


Gregory S. Chirikjian


Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Secondary appointments in CS, AMS, ECE


Department homepage, Google Scholar


Arash Ghaani Farashahi

  • Project:

Abstract Harmonic Analysis & Representation Theory Methods in Applied Science

  • Education:

PhD. in Pure Mathematics-Mathematical Analysis, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM), Mashhad, Iran (2012)

M.Sc. in Pure Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM), Mashhad, Iran (2008)

B.S. in Pure Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM), Mashhad, Iran (2007)

Christian Wülker

  • Project:

Applied and Computational Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis

  • Education:

Dr. rer. nat. (Doctoral Degree in Natural Sciences), Lübeck University, German (2018)

Thesis: Fast Fourier transforms for spherical Gauss-Laguerre basis functions

M.Sc. of Biomedical Engineering, Heidelberg University (2014)

Thesis: Time-of-flight PET image reconstruction using origin ensembles

B.Sc. of Medical Engineering Science, Lübeck University (2012)

Thesis: Collocation methods for partial differential equations based on radial basis functions


Sipu Ruan

  • Project:

A Paradigm for Robot Motion Planning Based on Parameterization of Free Space

  • Education:

M.S.E in Robotics, Johns Hopkins University (2017)

B.E. in Mechanical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China (2015)

Thomas (Tommy) Mitchel

  • Project: 

Robotic Action Recognition via Globally Optimal Variational Calculus;  3-D Dynamics of Snake-like Locomotion

  • Education:
B.A. Mathematics, New York University (2015)

Karen Poblete Rodriguez

  • Project:

Robot Motion Planning Based on Minkowski sums for the parameterization of  Free Space

  • Education:

Masters  in  Computer  Science.  Instituto  Tecnológico Autónomo  de  México (2017)

Thesis:  Lineal  Temporal  Logic  for  motion  planning  with  high level tasks

Bachelors  in  Computer  Engineering and Bachelors  in  Telematics Engineering. Instituto  Tecnológico Autónomo  de  México (2015)

He (Crane) Chen

  • Project:

3D Computer Vision

  • Research Interests:

Multi View Geometry, Computational Geometry, Graph Theory, Lie Group Kinematics

  • Education:

2018-now: master student in Computer Science

2018-now: Ph.D student working on Robot Vision, Computer Vision

Yuanfeng (Rick) Han

  • Project:

Humanoid Robot Motion Planning

  • Education:

M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, USA (2015)

B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China (2013)

Hongtao Wu

  • Project:

Robot Imagination and Object Affordance

  • Education:

B.E. in Energy and Power Engineering, Beihang University (2017)

Weixiao Liu

  • Education:

M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, China (2018)

B.E. in Mechanical Engineering (Minor in Japanese), Dalian University of Technology, China (2015)


Qiangqiang Zhao,


Mengdi Xu, M.S.E. Robotics, 2019

Ting Da, Visiting Student, 2018

Jianzhong Ding, Visiting Student, 2018

Joshua Davis, PhD 2018

Kristopher, L. Reynolds, PhD 2018

Qianli Ma, PhD 2017, Delphi Automotive

Zachariah Goh, MSE 2016

Yuttana (Big) Itsarachaiyot, MSE 2016

M. Kendal Ackerman, Ph.D. 2015, Adjunct Professor, Brown Mackie University, Email:

Taosha Fan, MSE 2015

Yunuscan Sevimli, MSE 2015

Hau Sze, MSE 2014, Working in Industry

Yan Yan, Ph.D. 2014, Senior Data Analyst, Amperity

Xiao Li, MSE 2014

Hans Ma, MSE 2013, Working in Industry

Kevin Wolfe, Ph.D. 2012, Research Engineer, JHU Applied Physics Laboratory

Michael Kutzer, Ph.D. 2012, Assistant Professor, United States Naval Academy

Matt Moses, Ph.D. 2011, Independent Consultant

Georgios Kaloutsakis, Ph.D. 2010, Started own company in Greece called Medotics

Whitney Hastings, Ph.D. 2010, NIH Tech Transfer Office

Wooram Park, Ph.D. 2008, Associate Clinical Professor, University of Texas at Dallas

Lan Ngoc Le, MSE 2008, Working in Industry

Kiju Lee, Ph.D. 2008, Assistant Professor, Case Western Reserve University

Aris Skliros, Ph.D. 2007, Working in Mathematical Finance

Yan Liu, Ph.D. 2007, Senior Software Engineer at Google

Jin Seob Kim, Ph.D. 2006, Postdoc researcher, Johns Hopkins University

Jay Jeong, Ph.D. (former Post-doc researcher), Assistant Professor, Kookmin University, South Korea

Lauren Mace, MSE 2006, Working in Industry

Yu Zhou, Ph.D. 2004, Assistant Professor, The State University of New York at Stony Brook

Shiyu Zhou, Ph.D. (U. of Michigan), Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Adam Schuyler, Ph.D. 2005, Research Associate, University of Michigan

Moon Ki Kim, Ph.D. 2004, Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Sangyoon Lee, Ph.D. 2003, Assistant Professor, Konkuk University, South Korea

Keizo Miyahara, Ph.D. 2003, Associate Professor, Osaka University

Jackrit Suthakorn, Ph.D. 2003, Assistant Professor, Mahidol University, Thailand

Yunfeng Wang, Ph.D. 2001, Associate Professor, The College of New Jersey (TCNJ)

David Stein, Ph.D. 2001, Vice President of Engineering for all of Siemens Medical Solutions Diagnostics

Subramanian Ramakrishnan (Subbu), MSE 2001, (Ph.D., Rutgers University, 2007)

Richard Altendorfer, Ph.D. (former Post-doc researcher), Senior Research Associate, Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan

Haleh Ardebili, MSE 1996, (Ph.D., University of Maryland, 2001)

Olivier Chetelat, Ph.D. (former Post-doc researcher), Research Associate, Pusan National University

C. J. Chiang, MSE 1998, Working in Industry

Imme Ebert-Uphoff, Ph.D. 1998, Associate Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology (now Adjunct)

Joshua Houck, MSE 1997, Working in Industry

Alexander Kyatkin, Ph.D. (former Post-doc researcher), Working in Industry

David Lees, Ph.D. (former Post-doc researcher), Working in Industry

Satoshi Murata, Ph.D. (former visiting researcher), Associate Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Amit Pamecha, MSE 1995, Working in Industry

Derek Seabury, MSE 1995, Working in Industry